"The Wizard of Oz" Franchise Support Page
This is the support page for the quikscript transcription of the stories from the "Wizard of Oz" franchise. Please do not link to this page from outside of the website as the URL address to this page might change and/or disappear. Thank you.
This page is provided to bring context to an endeavor of attempting to transcribe into quikscript all of the stories from "The Wizard of Oz" franchise and to answer anticipated frequently asked questions ("FAQ") about the endeavor.
The scope of the endeavor is three-fold:
- Bring myself back into complete fluency of typing and reading in quikscript.
- Provide website viewers with a constant supply of new reading material written in the quikscript alphabet.
- Read the book that the movie "The Wizard of Oz" is based upon as I've always been interested in seeing how closely the movie followed the book.
- Read the rest of the official stories from the franchise (those stories written by L. Frank Baum).
I anticipate releasing seven new transcribed paragraphs, regardless of each paragraph's individual size, of reading material once every Wednesday. A full chapter per week is simply too demanding for both my schedule and my interests. New reading material is always the latest seven paragraphs for return viewers (marked with the word "new" in quikscript) so that they can quickly discern what is newly-available to read. Occasionally, unfortunate circumstances may prevent me from releasing this material on time but it will be released as quickly as possible in relation to each Wednesday.
"The Wizard of Oz" franchise was written by L. Frank Baum starting in 1900 until 1920. As a result of being written over a century ago, the stories may contain words, phrases, thoughts, ideas, settings, scenarios or other concepts that people in modern times might construe as offensive to them or to others. The quikscript transcription of these stories is not an endorsement of these elements but is merely provided as a service to website readers for material to read in the quikscript alphabet.
"The Wizard of Oz" franchise was written during a time when certain words were more frequently in use than with modern times. As a result, some words may be unfamiliar to modern readers. Also, as with all fictional stories, there are some fictional names (proper nouns) that may cause confusion (Proper Names are marked with a * below). No words have been modified; All words have been transcribed as-is. Below are those words deemed uncommon or may cause confusion with modern readers:
- ague = EgjM
- alight = alFt
- bade = bEd
- betokened = bitOkand
- bodices = bodisz
- *Boq = bok
- breakfasted = brekfastd
- brocaded = brOkEdd
- cabalistic = kAbalistik
- chamois = SAmwo
- counterpane = kQntarpEn
- cupboard = kabard
- demurely = dimjarlI
- diffidence = difidans
- disconsolately = diskonsalatlI
- draught = JrYt
- equipage = IkwipiJ
- ermine = armin
- erudition = EradiSn
- espied = espFd
- forthwith = fYrTwiT
- fount = fQnt
- frock = frok
- frontwise = frantwFz
- gaily = gElI
- garret = gErit
- *Gayalette = gEalet
- *Gillikins = /gilikinz
- gingham = giNam
- gnashed = nASd
- gossamer = gosomar
- greensward = grInswyrd
- hereafter = hIrAftar
- impudent = impjMdnt
- intreat = incrIt
- jaunty = JYnti
- *Jellia Jamb = /JelFa /JAm
- *Jinjur = /JinJar
- *Kalidahs = kalIdaz
- *Kansas = kAnzas
- lain = lEn
- limpid = limpid
- lorgnette = lYrnjet
- luncheon = lancin
- *Mombi = /mombi
- *Munchkin = manckin
- *Nick Chopper = /nik /copar
- *Nikidik = /nikidik
- obstinate = obstinat
- *Omaha = /Omahy
- *Oz = oz
- palanquin = palANkwin
- *Pastoria = /pAstYrIa
- poetical = pOetikl
- putz-pomade = pats-pOmEd
- *Quadlings = /kwodlNz
- queerest = kwIrist
- *Quelala = /kElyly
- quoits = kwqts
- repast = rIpAst
- saucily = sYsili
- Semper idem = sempar Fdem
- settee = seti
- shan't = SAn't
- shod = Sod
- silken = silkan
- soldered = sodard
- sorceries = sYrsarIz
- surly = sarlI
- straightway = scrEtwE
- therein = HErin
- tourmaline = tYrmalIn
- *Tippetarius = /tipityrias
- vexed = veksd
- *Winkies = /wiNkIz