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Vowel + "R"?

It is beneficial to have a Quikscript font (preferably "King Plus" or "kingsley") installed on your system to view the Quikscript words & letters as they were intended to be viewed.

There is potential for considerable debate over how to represent the "ir" in "tire," the "ear" in "hear," & the "our" in "hour." In pronouncing each of these words, a slight but distinctive "-er" sound develops after the pronunciation of the initial vowel.

On the one hand, we could spell each of those example words exactly as they are pronounced. This would mean including the unstressed schwa (letter #36, "us") between the pronounced vowel (the "i" in "tire" & the "ea" in "hear") & the letter "R" (letter #25). Below are some examples...

Quickscript tFar hIar Qar
Normal tire hear hour

There is sufficient evidence to support that this method of symbolizing the pronunciation was what Kingsley Read had intended. On page #13 of the Quikscript manual, he provides for words such as "fear," "dear," & "moor" to be spelt in this manner.

Yet, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Kingsley Read also decided to spell other words that have the "-er" sound between their vowel & the "R" to omit the unstressed schwa. Words like "hours" (page #11), "pair" "mire," & "sour" (also on page #13) are spelt without the use of letter #36 in the Quikscript manual. If we were to use these as examples, our above spelling would look like this...

Quickscript tFr hIr Qr
Normal tire hear hour

Which spelling method should we choose? Clearly, they can't both be right. Are we to presume that the "-er" sound in "dear" is more so then in "tire"?

We are faced with a "No-Win" situation if we want to be canonical with the implied spelling directions of the Kingsley Read manual. On the one hand, if we include letter #36 into these types of situations, we violate the spellings of words like "fair" & "sour." If we drop letter #36 from these spellings, words like "dear" & "moor" are changed. Finally, forcing people to remember that letter #36 is included in some combinations but not in others is ridiculous, as all these combinations have nearly the exact same "-er" sound in them.

One possibility was that Kingsley Read wanted people to include Letter #36 between certain vowels & "R" only when that vowel didn't naturally lend itself to connecting to the top of the "R" letter, such as:

Quickscript ir Ir
Normal mirror hear

However, there are also letters that lend themselves naturally to attaching to the lower portion of the "R" that were written in the manual without letter #36, such as letter #29 (the "AI/R" combination). How should "playwright," a single word, be written while being phonetically accurate? According to the present manual's rules, any combination of letter #29 + #25 is "air." It would be pronounced, "plair-ite" instead of "plae-right."

In the end, we are left with no easy solution. An alteration of the Kingsley Read manual is necessary if we want consistent spelling; A lot of additional rules would have to be established if we were to remain consistent with the examples in Kingsley Read's manual.

For words with more then one sylabble, a dash should separate the vowel & "R" if the sounds are meant to be separate. Otherwise, for all other words, letter #36 is unnecessary. This is the most viable option that satisfies both the Kingsley Read examples with the minimal inclusion of addition rules while maintaining maximum clarity for pronunciation. Admittedly, this is not a perfect solution but other options are no less efficient in resolving this problem.

Quickscript plE-rFt HErfYr pF-rat
Normal playwright therefore pirate