
fun center

Fun Center

This application requires that javascript is TURNED ON. For your benefit, the entire javascript application is on display in the "qjavascript" folder under the same name as this webpage. Please look at the javascript code to ensure, for yourself, that no malicious code has been written into it. If you do not feel safe turning on javascript to use this application, then I encourage you to use the other training exercises here. Thank you.


In the red field is a scrambled Quikscript word for an animal.
Your goal is to unscramble the word & type the unscrambled word into the blue field.

Press "Check My Answer" to see if your answer is correct.
If you are correct, the "result" field will turn green. If not, the "result" field will turn red. You may click on the "Check My Answer" button as many times as you prefer.
If you can not unscramble the word, press "I Give Up" & the answer will automatically appear in the blue field.
Press "New Game" to generate a new scrambled word.
This application requires a Quikscript TrueType font (like King Plus) so that it can be shown as it was originally intended to be seen.

Scrambled word

Enter Your Guess Here

English Answer
